Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Keeping it real... and a request for help.

Good morrow, gentle reader.

I had a bit of a health scare the other night in the middle of a singing gig.  It sucked.  My heart started racing, and wouldn't stop.  I had to sit in the middle of a piece, and let it finish without me.... BLARGH!  I followed the good doctor-on-call's advice, and was seen by my PCP today.  After some excellent test results (YAY!), but an abnormally high blood pressure still lingering (BOO!), we talked about how I'm going to lick this trend.  And so, it's time to face some facts, and I'm wondering if I might get some help from my larger family/community on this one.

You may have already read about my fight with food.  It's ongoing, and sometimes I feel like I'm doing ok with my choices.  But this is different.  There are two things I must do right now, and one will be far more difficult than the other.

1. I must stop drinking so much caffeine.  I drink about 3 large iced coffees a day.  That something like 60+ ounces of a caffeinated beverage, and that doesn't count the Diet Pepsi with Lime that I sometimes have with dinner.  My car kinda just pulls into the drive-through of Dunkins without even thinking anymore.  The good news on this front is that I can counter this by having 8oz of caffeine in the morning, and (because I love the taste) do decaf the rest of the day, within reason.

2. I MUST COMPLETELY QUIT SMOKING.  I know, any singers reading this (and anyone with a health conscience ;)) just totally freaked.  I picked it up when I was about 18, and though I've had "patches" of not smoking, I've never been able to quit completely.  At my worst, I was up to almost two packs a day.  Right now I'd say I have 3-4 on a bad day, and none on a good day.  It's embarrassing and bad-for-my-voice and a ridiculously unhealthy thing, and it must end.

This is the part where I ask for your help.  I must be held accountable by everyone around me for this to work.  I'm looking for cheerleaders of any and every kind.  Send me your horror stories about smoking, health info, atta-girls, anything that will help me keep on the path while I completely quit.  It will be difficult, but I'm hopeful that with all of your help, I will do it, and it will stick.

Thank you, my friends.  Here goes nothin'.


  1. These are all very good health goals, which you CAN achieve through hard work. I'd suggest that you cut back your caffiene in stages. Rather than switching to decaf instantly, ask the DD folks to give you half regular, half decaf. After you have adapted to this, then switch to 1 regular coffee and decaf for the rest of the day.

    I have no first-hand advice about the smoking to give, but there do seem to be lots of programs out there for quitting. I'd see if your MD can recommend something. Best of luck to you, count me in as one of your cheerleaders!

    Miss Diana Barry

  2. Chica,

    I am here to cheer you on, too!! My brother also had to cut way back on caffeine because he had developed high blood pressure and was also having trouble sleeping. He, too, did it gradually, and I can report that he now has great blood pressure and sleeps much better.

    As for the smoking, there is one thing that has always kept me from picking up a cigarette. My other brother was born with cf and struggled to breathe every day. He never had a chance, even for a minute, to experience the gift of breathing normally. I was given the gift of healthy lungs, and I need to treasure this gift. I will never do anything that will put this in jeopardy.

    I know it's going to be hard, but please know I am here for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dear Laura,
    Beth was able to stop by using the patch. It is offered free to residents of the city of boston, but can be a bit pricey if that isn't an option. Beth liked the CVS brand better than the name brand. I hope that may help. I remember reading that grapefruit helps to dull the desire for nicotine. Take care
