Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Little pieces of paper....

I've been working on the side project of getting my house more organized *cue studio audience laugh*.

In the midst of it all, a great big honkin' pile of receipts has arisen, like a cracken from the sea!  In the interest of sanity, I have decided to get them all recorded onto an Excel spreadsheet.... wicked pissah oar-gan-i-zay-shun.  What really slaps me across the face is the life story one can tell just with a few receipts.

Dec 2007- Here's that receipt for Target.  I bought Paulie's stocking stuffers for our first married Christmas that day.

April 2011- Here's one for the gas station in the middle of I-91, when I was driving home from the James Taylor gig.

Nov 2009- Here's one for Starbucks in Belmont.... my first taste of non-hospital coffee in weeks.  A caramel macchiato tastes a hell of a lot sweeter with McLean Hospital in your rear-view mirror.

I'm still sorting and entering data, but now I feel like I've accomplished a few things in the past few hours; even the past few years.  And I'm reminded that it can really just be about the journey sometimes.

Here's to many more receipts.......

1 comment:

  1. Good to remember where we were and how we got to where we are. I have so many receipts from my travels that tell the story of the trip better than my journal entries. :)
