Sunday, July 28, 2013

"And now, the end is near...

And so I face the final curtain"

My Pa Rocky was a huge Sinatra fan.  He was such a big fan that we played "My Way" at his graveside on the day of his funeral. That song wasn't just one of his favorites; it was a mantra by which he lived his life.

Pa's life was not an easy one.  He came from a small town in Calabria, Italy. When he was 12, he and his father came to the United States, to work and raise enough money to bring his mother and two brothers over.  They lived in an apartment building in Boston, working hard, eventually bringing the rest of the family to America.  When Pa was 15, his father died.  Now he was the head of the family, supporting his mother and two young brothers.  School had been out of the question for a long time; now his life was about family and work.  Childhood was out of the question as well.

The years that followed were not easy either.  There was joy in his marriage and birth of his three children, but heartache in his divorce and strained family relationships.  He continued on his own path, not worrying about consequences, but being true to himself.  Even if no one liked his answers, they were his own truth, and he would not give up.

I find myself thinking about Pa a lot these days, these days that are shaky at best.  He did his utmost to make his own decisions on his own journey.  He was strong and stubborn (some would say to a fault).

I am making my own decisions now.  I have thought about giving up music.  Last night, I was scheduled to sing the Verdi "Requiem" at Tanglewood.  About an hour before the performance, I began to sob uncontrollably.  A dear friend and my manager both rubbed my back and comforted me and told me not to worry about singing, just to take care of myself.  My husband and mother said "Put tonight behind you.  It's one Verdi performance." But how many nights like these must I put behind me?  How many times can I start to lose my mind and let everyone pick me up off the ground, sobbing and wondering why I can't just get swallowed up by it?  How many people must I disappoint?  How many times will I prepare for a concert and then go through such a roller coaster in my brain that I question my own perception of reality?  In the span of one hour, I went from urges to cut myself, to determination to do the concert anyway (sobbing during silence be damned), to a simple and utter despair.  I don't know if I'm manic, hypomanic, anxious, depressed or psychotic.  I keep taking the pills, and taking the pills, and coping and coping and coping.

I want to try to slow the creeping unrest in my heart.  I can't stand to be around more than two or three people at a time.  Going out in public makes me fearful.  I worry that people I don't know will be angry, talk out of turn, or won't be quiet in a movie theater or at Mass.  These things make me feel actual fear!

And so I feel an end is near, and I face a final curtain of sorts. Is this the end of a music career? As I rehearsed the "Requiem" this week, I could not help but weep while I sang.  I am mourning the career that might have been.

I have had regrets, but I will have to do this my way.


  1. Darling, you aren't disappointing anybody. Your health is so much more important, and I know you're tired of this happening, but you will be all right. It's just a long journey to get there. Everyone who loves you is behind you 100%, and whatever you need to do in order get to solid ground, you do.

  2. I totally agree with Lydian. Take care of yourself first. Take a break if you need to, Laura. You are a very special person. Your world and the people who care for you will wait and help if we can.

  3. Laura, T believe that music is such an all encompassing art that it takes total absorption to pursue it never mind succeed at it. You have been so successful at it but at the times you've reached heights your mental stability was at a high. Music is such great part of who you are - it defines a certain aspect of your temperament. Right now you need to take care of your mental health because it is not the loss of a performance or a career that is at stake but of fighting whatever demons are holding you at bay. That will take everything you have and music will have to wait patiently. Music will always be there for you - you are so incredibly talented. Take time away - your journey has taken a detour but at some time and in some place you will find your way back if it is meant to be. I believe it is - and believe you have the strength to do it. Right now concentrate on getting better and put music on hold. Thinking of you and wishing you the very best in this struggle.

  4. I've been meaning to come back to this and comment since I first read it last week. I'm feeling for you and thinking of you, and I know that whatever path you take you have a great support system that will be with you all the way. Life is long, and who knows what the future will hold. Maybe this curtain isn't the end, just intermission. With love -
